Drug Medi-Cal Provider Directory
As Marin County Medi-Cal beneficiaries, if you think you are or a family member needs substance use services, call the Access Line at 1-888-818-1115 (toll free) or if you are hearing/speech impaired, call the California Relay Service (CRS) at 711 (TTY/TDD). The Access Team will perform a screening and referral to a DMC-ODS Plan provider, who will perform an assessment to determine medical necessity based on American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) criteria. If necessary, the Access Line provides authorization for residential treatment.
All American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) Marin County Medi-Cal beneficiaries may choose to receive DMC-ODS services through DMC-certified Indian Health Care Providers (IHCP), whether or not the IHCP is contracted with the County. For a referral or additional information, please contact BHRS Access at 1-888-818-1115.
The Provider Directory is updated with any necessary changes within 30 days after receiving updated Provider information.