Children, Youth, and Family Services
We provide counseling and support to children, youth, and their families. Our goal is to provide services that address emotional, social, and mental health needs in a coordinated and collaborative manner.
We offer individual and family counseling, specialized groups, intensive home-based services, psycho-education classes for parents and medication services.
We also have family partners and peers with lived experience who provide support in parenting and building coping skills. Other services include therapeutic behavioral health services for youth at risk, a program for transition age youth (ages 16-25), and an early psychosis program for youth and young adults (ages 15-30). These services are provided at our offices, in local schools, through telehealth, and in the community. For more information, please contact the Access Team at (888) 818-1115.
If you or your child is experiencing a psychiatric emergency, please contact our Crisis Stabilization Unit at (415) 473-6666.
If you are seeking Substance Use Services, please visit the Substance Use Services page.

Youth and Family Services
The Youth and Family Services program serves children and families who are eligible for Medi-Cal and experience significant impairments in daily functioning secondary to mental health conditions

Youth Empowerment Services
Youth Empowerment Services serves higher risk youth, youth on probation, or youth with significant educational, social, and behavioral challenges

First Episode Psychosis
First Episode Psychosis Program provides specialized services for clients who are experiencing current or recent onset of psychosis symptoms.

Transition Age Youth Partnership
Transition Age Youth Partnership provides youth 16-25 with independent living skills, employment services, housing supports, and culturally appropriate and integrated mental health and substance use services.