Marin County Alcohol and Drug Advisory Board
The Alcohol and Drug Advisory Board (ADAB) makes recommendations to the Board of Supervisors and County Alcohol and Drug Administrator on substance use related issues.
The ADAB meets ten times annually. For meeting location, agenda and other information click on this link to access their webpage:
We are looking for new Board Members!
Taffy Lavie
(415) 473-6809
Administered By:
The County of Marin
Purpose / Duties:
To participate in the alcohol and drug program planning process; to review the scope of alcohol and drug problems in the County; to review County Alcohol and Drug Program Plans and any amendments thereto; advise on policies and goals of Alcohol and Drug Programs; encourage and educate the public to understand the nature of alcohol and drug problems; encourage support throughout the County for development and implementation of effective alcohol and drug programs; to network with other community resources; to review community alcohol and drug program needs, services, facilities, and special programs; and to review and approve the procedures used to ensure citizen and professional involvement at all stages of the planning process leading to the formulation and adoption of the County Alcohol and Drug Program Plans.
Members shall have a professional interest in, or personal commitment to, alleviating problems related to alcohol and drug use in the community. The membership shall include representatives from various economic, social, and occupational groups and shall be broadly representative of the demographic characteristics of the County.
Term Length:
3 Years
Number of Members:
No less than 10 or more than 15 members.
Reimbursements for Expenses / Per Diem:
None is authorized.
Time and Day of Meetings:
First Monday of every month from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., 20 North San Pedro Road, 1st Floor, Pt. Reyes Conference Room, San Rafael. For information, please call 473-3030.
How to Apply:
Applications may be obtained from the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, Room 329, Administration Building, Marin Civic Center (415-473-7331), or access the General Application online.