About Substance Use Services

BHRS Access Line (24/7) - 1-888-818-1115

We provide a range of substance use treatment and recovery support services for Marin County Medi-Cal beneficiaries and low-income uninsured community members.

The best thing that you can do if you are concerned about your own substance use or that of someone else in your life is to reach out for help.

If you are seeking services for yourself or a loved one you may use the information below to contact a provider organization directly. If you have questions, need more information or would like to learn how to access our services, call the Access Line at 1-888-818-1115 or click the ‘Get Connected to Care’ button anywhere on this site. If you are hearing / speech impaired, please call the California Relay Service at 711 (TTY/TDD). 

Any pregnant woman who seeks or is referred for and would benefit from services are given preference in admissions to treatment facilities.

All American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) Marin County Medi-Cal beneficiaries may choose to receive DMC-ODS services through DMC-certified Indian Health Care Providers (IHCP), whether or not the IHCP is contracted with the County.  For a referral or additional information, please contact BHRS Access at 1-888-818-1115.

Marin County Substance Use Treatment Services

If you elect to use our services, they will be provided at locations provided below. These are local and Bay Area substance use treatment providers for Marin County Medi-Cal beneficiaries and low-income uninsured community members. 

If you are seeking services for yourself, a loved one, or are a provider you may use the information below to contact a provider organization directly. 

For a list of licensed and/or certified facilities and programs that are on probation or had their license or certification revoked, or temporarily suspended, please visit this DHCS webpage.

Substance Use Treatment and Recovery Services

Bright Heart Health

  • Clients: Adults 18+
  • Services: Telemedicine/Teletherapy, Intensive Outpatient, Outpatient, Medications for Addiction Treatment
  • Location: Virtual
  • Phone: 800-892-2695

Center Point, Inc.

  • Clients: Adults 18+
  • Services: Intensive Outpatient, Outpatient, Recovery Services, Women’s/Perinatal Residential, Men’s Residential, Medications for Addiction Treatment (MAT)
  • Languages: English, Spanish
  • Location: San Rafael, CA, 94901
  • Phone: 415-456-6655

County of Marin (Road to Recovery)

  • Clients: Adults 18+ (Substance Use and Serious Mental Illness)
  • Services: Intensive Outpatient, Outpatient, Recovery Services
  • Languages: English, Spanish
  • Location: San Rafael, CA, 94903
  • Phone: 415-473-2555

Helen Vine Recovery Center

  • Clients: Adults 18+
  • Services: Residential, Sober Living, Non-Medical Withdrawal Management
  • Languages: English, Spanish
  • Location: San Rafael, CA, 94903
  • Phone: 415-492-0818

Marin City Health and Wellness Center

  • Clients: Adults 18+
  • Services: Outpatient Medications for Addiction Treatment (MAT)
  • Languages: English, Spanish
  • Location: Marin City, CA, 94965
  • Phone: 415-339-8813 x130

Marin Outpatient and Recovery Services

  • Clients: Adults 18+
  • Services: Intensive Outpatient, Outpatient
  • Languages: Spanish (English, as requested)
  • Location: San Rafael, CA, 94901
  • Phone: 415-485-6736

Marin Treatment Center

  • Clients: Adults 18+
  • Services: Intensive Outpatient, Outpatient, Outpatient Opioid Withdrawal Management, Opioid Treatment Program (Medications for Addiction Treatment)
  • Languages: English, Spanish
  • Location: San Rafael, CA, 94901
  • Phone: 415-457-3755

Recover Medical Group

  • Clients: Adults 18+, Perinatal 18+, Adolescents (12-17)
  • Services: Intensive Outpatient, Outpatient, Recovery Services, Medications for Addiction Treatment (MAT)
  • Languages:  English, Spanish
  • Location: Telehealth Only
  • Phone: 858-381-9768

Ritter Center

  • Clients: Adults 18+ (Experiencing Homelessness, At-Risk of Homeless)
  • Services: Intensive Outpatient, Outpatient
  • Languages: English, Spanish
  • Location: Novato, CA, 94949
  • Phone: 415-457-8182 Ext203

For more information about any of the services below, please call the Access Team at 1-888-818-1115.


Health Right 360

  • Clients: Adults 18+ (Co-Occurring Serious Mental Illness/Substance Use)
  • Services: Residential
  • Languages: English, Spanish
  • Location: San Francisco, CA

Waterfront Recovery Services

  • Clients: Adults 18+
  • Services: Residential, Residential Withdrawal Management
  • Languages: English, Spanish
  • Location: Eureka, CA


  • Clients: Adults 18+
  • Services: Residential
  • Languages: English, Spanish
  • Locations: Pittsburg, CA (Perinatal); Clayton, CA (Men)

Women's Recovery Services

  • Clients: Perinatal Adults 18+
  • Services: Residential
  • Languages: English, Spanish
  • Location: Santa Rosa, CA

Marin Driving Under the Influence (DUI) Program

Marin County’s DUI Program, which had been operated by Bay Area Community Resources, has closed.  Marin County is working with Recover Medical Group PC to establish a new DUI Program in Marin County.  Once this program is licensed and open, contact information will be posted to this webpage. Please check back regularly for updates.

If you have completed your required classes with Bay Area Community Resources and are requesting a letter of completion, please provide the following information via secure email to: HHSDUIProgram@marincounty.gov or via telephone at 415-473-7075 so that we can review the pertinent records:

  • First and Last Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Driver’s License Number
  • Current Address
  • Violation Date
  • Preferred Method of Contact (E-Mail address or telephone number)

Marin County is in the process of working with Recover Medical Group PC to establish a new DUI Program in Marin County.  In the meantime, below are some current programs that may be accepting referrals during this transition, based on availability:

  • First Offender Programs and Wet & Reckless Programs:
    • Neighborhood House Of North Richmond: (510) 222-2209
    • Driver Performance Institutes, Inc., San Francisco: (415) 905-5555
  • Multiple Offender Programs:
    • Alternatives for Better Living DUI Program – Napa County: (707) 226-1248 ext 107 | https://www.a4bl.org/dui-program
    • Driver Safety Awareness Program DUI Services – Alameda County: (818) 830-8870
    • Dry Zone M.O. DUI Program - San Francisco: (415) 826-6767

For other questions, please email  HHSDUIProgram@marincounty.gov or contact the Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Behavioral Health & Recovery Services at 415-473-7075.

Substance Use Services Frequently Asked Questions

If you are unsure or have questions, you can call the Access Line at 1-888-818-1115 or click the ‘Get Connected to Care’ button anywhere on this site. Substance use disorders can take many forms and may be difficult to self-identify. 

You may benefit from seeking help if you meet any of the following criteria:

You’ve been unsuccessful in your attempts to stop on your own
It’s difficult to imagine how you will cope without alcohol or other drugs 
Your substance use has negatively affected areas in your life such as job, relationships, or health
The need for change is there; however, you just don’t know where to start
You have experienced withdrawal symptoms 

Marin County is here to help support you in achieving your recovery goals. 

The following services are available for Marin Medi-Cal beneficiaries and Marin low-income uninsured community members: 

  • Withdrawal Management 
  • Residential Treatment
  • Intensive Outpatient Treatment 
  • Outpatient Treatment
  • Recovery Services 
  • Opioid Treatment Program (OTP) / Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)
  • Case Management 

There are a variety of different levels of care and settings in which substance use services are offered and there is no one-size-fits-all approach. While treatment programs vary, they generally consist of a combination of one-on-one therapy or counseling, group counseling, medications, or fellowship engagement such as alcoholics anonymous.
Withdrawal Management: 
Programs that monitor and support clients during the detoxification process. Depending on client need, services may be provided in either a residential or outpatient setting and include intake and assessment, observation (to evaluate health status and response to any prescribed medication), medication services and discharge planning.  

Residential Treatment: 
is non-institutional, 24-hour non-medical, short term treatment (usually 30-90 days based on assessed need) that provides rehabilitation services to clients with a substance use diagnosis. Clients reside at the treatment facility and are supported in their efforts to restore, maintain and apply interpersonal and independent living skills and access community support systems. Residential treatment can include intake and assessment, treatment planning, individual counseling, group counseling, family therapy, patient education, medication services, collateral services, crisis intervention services, transportation and discharge services. Case Management is also available to coordinate care with ancillary service providers and facilitate transitions between other levels of treatment. 

Intensive Outpatient or Outpatient Treatment: 
Community based services that typically include intake and assessment, treatment planning, individual counseling, group counseling, family therapy, collateral services, member education, medication services, crisis intervention services, and discharge planning. 

Recovery Services: 
Many individuals at some course in their treatment will engage in recovery support services, often in the setting of meetings. For individuals that are no longer in outpatient or residential treatment and who are seeking continuing care to support their ongoing recovery goals, BHRS offers individual, group and case management recovery support services.  

Opioid Treatment Program (OTP)/ Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT): 
OTP services are provided in Narcotic Treatment Program (NTP) licensed facilities and offer medically necessary treatment in accordance with an individualized client plan determined by a licensed physician or prescriber. OTPs/NTPs offer and prescribe medications to clients such as methadone, buprenorphine, naloxone and disulfiram. Services typically include the same components as Outpatient treatment along with the inclusions of medications and medical psychotherapy consisting of face-to-face discussion with a physician. 

MAT services: 
are available outside of the OTP clinic and includes the prescription of medications, in combination with counseling and behavioral therapies, to provide a whole-person approach to the treatment of substance use disorders. Services include ordering, prescribing, administering, and monitoring of all medications for substance use disorders. Covered medications include buprenorphine, naloxone, disulfiram, Vivitrol, acamprosate, or any FDA approved medication for the treatment of substance use disorders. 
Case Management: 
Services assist clients in accessing medical, educational, social, prevocational, vocational, rehabilitative, or other community services. These services focus on coordination of substance use disorder care, integration around primary care and mental health and interactions with the criminal justice system, if needed. Services include assessment and reassessment, development of a client plan that includes treatment activities, transitions between levels of care, monitoring service delivery, monitoring treatment progress and client advocacy in accessing other services/supports. 

For most beneficiaries accessing services from Marin County Behavioral Health and Recovery Services (BHRS), there is no cost to the client. No one shall be denied services based on ability or inability to pay. 

Medi-Cal beneficiaries whose income is less than Medi-Cal limits for their family size will not have to pay for Medi-Cal services. If your income is more than Medi-Cal limits for your family size, you will pay some money for your medical or substance use treatment services. Medi-Cal beneficiaries may work with their provider in order to learn more about any associated costs. 

For low-income uninsured beneficiaries, the provider will use a fee schedule and review income, expenses and number of dependents in order to determine if and what the cost for treatment services will be. 

Yes. There are laws in place protecting client health information. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), 42 CFR Part 2, and the CA Confidentiality of Medical Information Act stipulate that health information, including information related to treatment of substance use disorders, is private and can only be shared with the written permission of the person to whom the information belongs (the client). Providers go through training on these requirements which they must strictly follow.

Yes. All of the substance use services provided by Marin County Behavioral Health and Recovery Services (BHRS) are available to undocumented, low-income and uninsured individuals. 

As each individual presents with varying needs, there is not a set period of time that applies to everyone when it comes to treatment. For some, a lower intensity substance use treatment program may lead to behavioral and life changes that mark recovery. For others, they may benefit from multiple higher intensity substance use treatment programs. When you reach out to begin the process of seeking help or entering treatment, you will typically work with a clinician who will work with you to identify your needs and explore treatment options with you. 

Addiction involves behavioral changes in relation to the use of a substance. These behavior changes can be the warning signs that a person is developing, or has developed, an addiction or substance use disorder. These behavior changes can be simple described as ‘The Four C’s’: loss of Control over one’s use of a substance, use despite significant negative Consequences, experiences of intense Cravings or an all-consuming desire to use the substance when not using it, and Compulsive or repetitive use of a substance.

There are a variety of ways in which you can support a friend or loved one in accessing treatment. You can begin by providing them with the resources available on this site, helping them find a provider or contacting the Access Line (888) 818-1115 or clicking ‘Get Connected to Care’. As the first step in most substance use services is a screening which includes brief medical history, insurance status, and current symptoms, you can help them prepare or participate with them with their permission. Other ways of offering support may include providing transportation to treatment, attending self-help meetings with the individual or by offering verbal support and encouragement.

We operate a ‘no wrong door’ approach for accessing substance use services, meaning that all Marin County Behavioral Health and Recovery Services and community organizations are able to connect an individual and/or family with the appropriate services. Upon contacting us for substance use help, we will work with the individual to identify their specific needs and develop a plan that will work best for them. The assessment will include things such as preferred language, gender specific needs, housing status, interest/participation in Medication for Addiction Treatment (MAT) and more.

Substance use treatment services are confidential, and information may only be shared if the client has signed a Release of Information (ROI). An ROI allows their clinician to acknowledge that they are receiving treatment and provide updates as specified.

If your client is a Marin Medi-Cal or low-income uninsured beneficiary, you may refer them directly to any of Marin’s contracted providers (Provider Directory Link) for assessment and treatment or call the Marin County Access line (888) 818-1115 for screening and referral. For patients with private insurance, they should be directed to their insurance provider to determine treatment options. Additional resources for Practitioners and Providers are available through Marin County’s RxSafe Marin website: https://rxsafemarin.org/Resources/

Additional Resources

Alcoholics Anonymous - Marin County Helpline

For information about Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), visit www.aa.org.  For information about local AA meetings and resources, visit: AA Meeting Schedule.

Marin County Narcotics Anonymous Helpline

The Helpline's purpose is to provide meeting times and locations, and info about Narcotics Anonymous (NA) related events. This service also may offer the opportunity to speak with an individual in recovery to get general information about NA and what to expect when attending a meeting.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:

800-273-8255 (English)
888-628-9454 (Español)
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline provides 24/7 free support for individuals in distress, as well as prevention, crisis resources, and best practices for professionals.

SAMHSA’s National Helpline:

1-800-622-HELP (4357)
Free, confidential, 24/7 365-day-a-year treatment referral and informational services (in English and Spanish) for individuals and families facing mental and/or substance use disorders.

Marin County Peer-Run Warmline:

415-459-6330 (English: 9am – midnight)
415-457-4026 (Español: 1pm – 6pm)
Confidential safe place to talk about anything, including anxiety, depression, fear, financial struggles and substance use issues.

Sober Living/Recovery Residences

A Sober Living Environment (SLE)/Recovery Residence is a safe, clean, sober, residential environment that promotes individual recovery through positive peer group interactions among house members and staff.  Marin BHRS contracts with: Buckelew Programs, Cornerstone, CASTLE, Center Point, Marin Services for Men and Summit Sober Living.  For additional information, call the BHRS Access Line at 1-888-818-1115.

Recovery Coach Services

Recovery Coaches provide case management and recovery support services for Marin Medi-Cal beneficiaries and Marin low income uninsured individuals.  They typically provide services that assist clients in accessing needed medical, educational, social vocational, rehabilitative or other community services that assist in the client’s recovery from substance use conditions.  For additional information, call the BHRS Access Line at 1-888-818-1115.

For information and resources pertaining to the Student Call to Action on Fentanyl, visit: Marin Schools: Fentanyl Call to Action

For more information on substance use prevention, intervention and treatment services for youth (under 18), please visit this Youth Substance Use Services directory.  For a listing of Marin prevention initiatives and resources, please visit the Marin Prevention Network website.

Marin County Substance Use Services Strategic Plan


Marin County Substance Use Prevention Strategic Plan 



“Because they know of my personal relapses, they were helping me look in a whole different way at my disease. I found a way to build a stronger foundation, a stronger one than I have ever had.  The tools I gained and the ones I sharpened are priceless. I feel safe here and want to be a part of this place for the rest of my life. It has saved my life many times before.”

Client at Helen Vine Recovery Center