We commit to serving the diverse needs and backgrounds of our community.
We do not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, ethnic group identification, age, mental disability, physical disability, medical condition, genetic information, marital status, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation or any other basis protected by State or federal civil rights laws.
Our staff does not unlawfully exclude people or treat them differently because of sex, race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, ethnic group identification, age, mental disability, physical disability, medical condition, genetic information, marital status, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation or any other basis protected by State or federal civil rights laws.
BHRS endeavors to treat every individual with respect. We want to know how BHRS honors your identities. We want to know if you have experienced discrimination at BHRS. We are accountable for the services we provide, and your feedback is important.
Please contact us at BHRSfeedback@marincounty.org for complaints, compliments, and suggestions.

Connecting with Support

Support Request
Call for immediate support or request a call through our online form. A member of our access team will respond.
We'll do a screening and assessment to determine your needs and discuss your options.
Based on your screening and assessment, we will match you with appropriate services.
We'll make sure you're connected with the care you need.

Access Team
Screening, assessment, and referrals for mental health and substance use services.

Crisis Services
Mental health and substance use crisis services.

Children and Youth Mental Health Services
Mental health services for children and youth and their families.

Adult Mental Health Services
Mental health services and supports for adults 18 years and older.

Older Adult Mental Health Services
Mental health services and supports for adults over the age of 60 years.

Substance Use Services
Prevention, treatment, and recovery support.

Forensic, Diversion, & Re-Entry Services
Mental health and substance use services for those at risk of criminal justice involvement, currently in Jail, or previously incarcerated.

Prevention and Early Intervention Resources
Prevention and early intervention services, education, support, and outreach.

Suicide Prevention
Suicide prevention, intervention, education, and outreach services and supports.